The 3 SE’s Going Green

Open topic | April 22nd, 2008 | 4 Comments

It’s April 22, the Earth Day when we tend to remind everyone and inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. I remember like seven years ago when summer was summer, spring was spring, autumn was autumn and winter was winter..I could tell in what season we are without looking at the calendar, but just simply viewing the weather outside.

It might be my personal thought but in the last years I see winter started later which pushes spring starting later and summer is no longer a summer. Is it the fault of us common humans and our daily use of resources? Is it the big industries fault? Who cares, whats important is to know that there is something wrong and something should be done, quickly, as it is better to prevent then cure.

Now lets get back and see how the big three search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN Live) are celebrating the Earth Day.

Google Going Green

Google Green Earth Logo

The above image is the Google’s Earth Day 2008 logo. From the three search engines logo I like it more this one and you will see later on why. Google’s logo looks so “earth”, it gives that picture of how earth was, wild, strong and beautiful. Something you could only admire. Today places like that almost don’t exist or if they exist are somewhere in the wild Jungle when humans haven’t put their foot/hands at.

Yahoo Inc. Going Green

Yahoo Green Earth Logo

Yahoo Inc. for this years Earth Day is presenting with a more modern and techy logo, based on recycling and re-using the same resources instead of damaging earth with our garbage. Their logo is made in flash and it is well animated. Their logo doesn’t touch as much as Google’s does, but it does remind us on the era we live and that we can recycle what we have used instead of create more garbage and use more resources then what we actually should.

MSN Live Going Green

MSN Live Green Earth Logo

What MSN has done for Earth Day 2008 makes me think that they are just doing it because they are a big name, because people do see them and that if they wouldn’t change their layout to support Earth Day they would be bashed and not because they really care, or the reason would be also that MSN Live lacks in creativity..What is been changed is the layout color, they haven’t even changed their logo (afraid to lose branding for one day? Who knows).

These are my personal thoughts on how each of the three search engines have presented themselves for the Earth Day. What do you think?

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4 Responses to “The 3 SE’s Going Green”
  1. DJHassoo says:

    I really like the google logo

  2. Tina says:

    Another good post, and it is interesting how the approach to logo design reflects general company policies of the search engines.

    For example, Google has always encouraged creativity in its employees, and we at Copywriting 911 agree with you that their logo (as always:
    is the coolest one. Kudoz to Dennis Hwang 🙂

    Yahoo’s are usually very nice, too, and have an identifiable feel to them; what I like in particular is that Yahoo has taken to using Flash animation in its holiday logos. But would you agree that it’s still second best?

    Anyway, MSN, Ask and AOL obviously don’t light the world on fire. (Or, did they even try?)

    Hope these subjective opinions don’t hurt anyone’s feelings… 🙂
    Would you agree with me?

  3. Hey Tina,
    As you can see each of the above listed search engines approached the way they felt was best. I do actually like Yahoo’s logo, even tho its in flash animation yet I do not mind small animations that don’t even disturb the browsing experience.

    For those that might have got their feelings hurt, its their own fault but they can still try better next year 😉

    I can’t do other but agree Tina (sorry for the delay of publishing the comment, it was caught in the spam box grrr)

  4. Internet Age says:

    Now if only every day could be earth day, in the hearts and minds of all people inhabiting our beautiful planet.