Articles you have missed till 10-20-2007

Open topic | October 21st, 2007 | Comments Off on Articles you have missed till 10-20-2007

Sunday bloody Sunday…i love that song. Anyway today is Sunday and it is the Articles you have missed turn, a coincidence even tho I really don’t like Sunday as a day of the week, i get to publish the 150th post today. I love it…don’t you? Right… this week has been a long, busy and good week for me, especially for the online business (and with that I don’t mean business related somehow to SEO Optimization). The rest of the time I have spent running some experiments, some are related to search engine optimization and others to the make money online. But lets leave that aside and see what you might have missed during the past week.

V7N Directory Experiment

I decided to run a experiment on the web directory of which I have a banner on the right sidebar and is also on the seo resource page. So i decided to submit xHTML Coding my new coding services web site in the V7N Directory. There are still some good news as far as it regards the quality traffic I receive from V7N Directory, it is still constant the 2 uniques a day but there is another customer that converted with just some math we see I have a profit of $130 for the 11 days that the site has been listed. As far as it regards the SERPs, seems like Google search engine is pulling my leg and ranks the page of V7N Directory where I have listed my site better than my site, well, that is normal I would say since my site is much younger and still hasn’t build trust while V7N Directory is pretty old and trusted site. Google has decided that my position is at the 30th page of the SERPs (apparently when the site was on the 18th page was under the Google dance effect, i should of have waited longer before i shouted out). But again, for a brand new site it is not bad at all, especially as long as it keeps driving me traffic that converts.

SEO Changes in the Long run

Maybe I should have titled this seo article as “In SEO Don’t Fear To Make Changes” but whatever now, it is too late. In this article I explain (indirectly) that people can learn from their mistakes and that should not fear to adjust those mistakes once they figure out. When you feel like there is necessary that you make some changes on your site to perform better with search engines than give it a go and be patient the results will come.

The 3 SEO Steps

The simple, lovely and always effective SEO rule, keyword research, on page optimization and off page optimization. Maybe I should have added the fourth rule, PATIENCE which I have described better in the do your seo gradually article.

Change In SEO Resource page

I announced that I was going to remove Text Link Ads from the seo resource page since I heard some rumors and webmasters complaining that they had drop in serps because they were using the TLA plugin. Now, since I don’t wanna shout on Text Link Ads Inc. but neither I would want to refer TLA as a SEO resource I decided to remove it from the SEO resource page. Don’t ask me why I removed it from the sidebar banner, maybe I just wanted to give it a go to WidgetBucks 😉

Anyway lately I acquired a website on which I could run a experiment and prove that the drop in the SERPs is caused by TLA or rather by the amount of outgoing links those webmasters have in their site or blog. It will take some time until I change the nature of that blog and be able to run the experiment, but be patient.

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