Articles you have missed till 11-04-2007
Open topic | November 4th, 2007 | 2 CommentsIt is Sunday again and the month has changed. It seems like I did not even felt this last week, time is flying just like that and SEO Optimization got one month older hah. The previous month gave me lots of satisfaction online and in real life, in earnings and in investment, in new friends and great reads. It is the first post of November of the articles you have missed series which I announced I was going to post every Sunday of the week until i change my mind :P, anyway lets see what you might have missed reading during the past week if you are new in this SEO blog and refresh the memory to the old readers of the blog.
Fight Blog Spam with Askimet
I love WordPress as blogging software because it gives you so much freedom to tweak it around, with 10 seo tips for wordpress you can create your blog into a perfect search engine optimized blog and have the benefit of the free organic traffic via search engines. You can also install thousands of plugins to create that feeling of a community from your blog or even you can turn it into a cash cow and make fast money online through affiliates or PPC ads such as Google AdSense (read also how to target ads with adsense adsection tag).
One thing that could become annoying from running a WordPress blog is fighting the spam bots, because of the comment feature the amount of spam a blog can get is huge especially if the owner of the blog doesn’t do anything to fight that spam. I first manually moderated all comments where users that post for the first time had to get their comment approved by me in order to be able to freely comment the other days of the month. Moderating like that the comments it became a pain and time consuming as I had than to manually mark as spam all the spam comments, but finally I decided to activate this lovely plugin that comes as default with the installation of your WordPress blog. The plugin I am talking about is Askimet. To make a long story short it works excellent, and if you want to know more read the askimet and wordpress spam comments.
How to buy SEO Book for $9 only
SEO Book is one of the best (if not the best) seo ebooks that you could ever read to learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The ebook is in PDF format and has 311 pages of great seo tips written by a seo expert Aaron Wall. Thanks to the affiliate program you can manage to buy this great eBook for only $9 or even for free, even tho the ebook is well worth the $79 if you wanted to buy it not and I am recommending this SEO eBook even on this page. In case you are short of money but long on time you might want to read my post and learn how to buy seobook for $9.
Thanks folks
It is very common between the make money online blogs that the money makers publicly report how much money they have earned this month, even tho I do have a make money online category in this blog I did not feel like posting the earnings (well ok, 1). because I am not making that MUCH money from this blog as they do, roughly $200-$300 month just to cover the cost of the blog and 2). reason why I am not reporting the earnings is because I want to keep this blog as Search Engine Optimization case study and not how much money one can make online). Hence to look like (cough) more normal like the other blogs at the beginning of the month I like to thank those that have participated and commented in the SEO Optimization blog. Unfortunately I got caught and can’t get the list of the top commentators for the month of October, hence I will name the top commentators for this month.
- Catherine Lawson of Catherine Lawson Business Blog
- GH3 Cheats (hope thats not his real name) from Guitar Hero News
- John Chow from John Chow Dot Com
- Paul Barlow from The Make Money Online
- Click for Nick (I presume his name is Nick) from Click For Nick
Thank you folks, your contribute to this blog is appreciated the most and I hope that you do enjoy reading this blog. And to Catherine, you get a new post tomorrow on how I did build backlinks to this blog and will make sure to make a series of that kind of posts instead of group them all in just one task.
Thanks for the link. Lol my real name is Brendan btw.
Good to know your name Brendan 😉 and you are welcome