Articles you have missed till 11-11-2007

Open topic | November 11th, 2007 | 1 Comment

The day when everyone has some free time to do the things he could not manage doing during the working week, the day when everyone relaxes…but for SEO guys and the make money online gurus, or better for all of us webmasters that make living from internet or simply enjoy being in front of our computer this is just another regular day, if not a little more boring one.

This week was mainly dedicated to the off site search engine optimization and building backlinks series of tips, so lets remind the hard workers what they have missed reading during this past week.

Building Backlinks Tip

A cheap and effective way to build a decent amount of backlinks by sponsoring freebie products. In this example I have used the WordPress blog themes but this is not the only way you could gain backlinks with this method. You could also sponsor vbulletin forum skins, joomla skins or any other well used CMS or blogs (including Drupal, Mambo etc).

Building Backlinks Tip 2

Being a part of community and building backlinks, the most pleasant way to build backlinks and get known among other webmasters that share the same interest as you, is that SEO optimization, make money online or any other type of websites. Learning from others and sharing you knowledge is a win win situation which you would not like to miss a chance to be a part of. I have learned about lots of website from commentators of SEO Optimization and have created some sort of relationship with many of my readers.

Building Backlinks Tip 3

Web Directory submissions to create one way backlinks. It is the most used method among the seo individuals and seo companies to build one way backlinks. More in depth informations can be read here.

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One Response to “Articles you have missed till 11-11-2007”
  1. Edward says:

    Nice list bro!