Internal Linking

SEO Tutorials | September 24th, 2007 | 8 Comments

Internal linking, what a weird word, no? In the terms and abbreviations I said that Internal linking is the process that is taken to link one page with another within the same website.

Apart that internal linking will help us get all of our pages indexed in the search engines since we guide the search engine spiders to follow the links that are found in the first page and crawl the new pages the spiders finds. Internal linking also helps to remind search engine spiders that our old pages still exist and it is worth giving some value to. Let me line up three important reasons why you should give attention to internal linking.

3 reasons why to build internal linking

  • Website gets properly spidered and crawled
  • Build the relevancy of a page to a keyword phrase
  • Increase PageRank to inner pages of your site/blog

I bet you have done some internal linking, even if you had no clue you did. Let me ask you, do you have a HTML sitemap of your website? Well thats a internal linking (sorta). For bloggers is much easier to play with internal linking and to give some buzz to the older posts, increase the Page Rank of the older pages and build relevancy of a page to the given keyword phrase.

Apart linking to older related posts from the new posts I have also used another strategy to build internal linking scheme by using the related posts plugin which I mentioned first on wordpress seo optimization and than on 10 seo tips for wordpress.

The latest technique for internal linking I am using here on SEO Optimization is the popular posts (named as popular articles here). With this plugin not only I am giving more weight and share more link love with the most viewed (popular) articles on SEO Optimization blog but I also invite the new visitors to give a read on those articles.

In conclusion, the internal linking is important on-page SEO factors just as is important the title optimization, image optimization or even the external factor of directory submission and it deserves your attention if you want to optimize your inner pages as well.

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8 Responses to “Internal Linking”
  1. Alex R. says:

    I’m not quite sure I fully understand the term. Internal linking – lets say you have a page called SEO Made Easy at the end of the page you have the related posts? Is that considered internal linking? Or is it when you have links within your article like click here for more information on this subject, blah, blah… I believe I understand the concept.

  2. Alex R. says:

    I answered my own question (doh)!

    In this page your internal linked seven times correct?

  3. Hello Alex,
    internal linking is not only using the related links plugin that will link to other articles within a blog. Internal linking is also when you link from one post to another older post within the same blog.

    I also explained what internal linking means in the terms and abbreviations post, where you can find more terms with descriptions. Will make sure to update the list regularly and add new terms.

  4. […] of the most important on page seo techniques is definitively internal linking. With internal linking we share some link juice and PR juice to the other pages of our web site, […]

  5. […] that on page seo is your first step to SEO world in the long run I would recommend you reading the internal linking post and know more how to spread some love with your inner pages, and in addition a inner page […]

  6. […] not forget linking to internal pages of your blog/site and sharing link love with the rest of your blog/site pages, paying attention to […]

  7. Internal linking, works like a sitemap for your website, using a proper anchor for a particular link with relevant keyword will boost the rankings. I vote for your article.