Terms that are used in SEO and the abbreviations

SEO Tutorials | June 18th, 2007 | 3 Comments

It has been awhile now since i haven’t post anything about SEO, i have been very busy this past week. Previously i posted a welcome to the network to a new site that was recently launched which took me a bit of time, I also had to modify some pages of my web hosting company site, also published a wordpress theme for free download. So i would say, it is about to write something useful for the community, and reading around i did notice something, many concentrate on writing about professional SEO and the advanced steps in say, i thought, what about those that don’t know what SEO means, or all the terms and abbreviations that you will see on SEO talks or posts? I did a small research (in fact, i have this post in draft for three days and adding new terms) so here is what i have come up with.

If you are new to SEO you will most probably end reading a lot of acronym and terms that SEO experts use on their talk/write.
Inbound link – links that are coming to your site from other sites. In other words, backlinks to your site.

SEO – now this is a really common acronym, you will find it on every webmaster forum or website or blog (just like mine), this acronym stands for Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimizer

Outbound link – links that are pointing to other sites from your site, more commune phrase for this is “out going links”, you will meet this term mostly while exchanging, selling or buying links.

Backlinks – links from other sites that point to your site. You can check your backlinks with the free SEO tools in this blog.

SERP – this term (acronym) is very common in talk between SEO experts, the acronym SERP(s) stands for Search Engine Results Page(s)

SE – acronym used for faster writing when you want to mention Search Engine(s)

SES – acronym used for Search Engine Strategies

SEU – acronym that stands for Search Engine Usability

SEM – stands for Search Engine Marketing

PR – is a two letter acronym abbreviation for Page Ranking.

Page Ranking – page ranking term stands more for Google’s algorithm. It determines the popularity and trustworthy of a website starting to count from PR0 to PR10, the higher the number is more trustworthy the site is. PageRank is determined with Google’s algorithm calculation of quality links that point to a website.

Internal Linking – linking from one page to another on the same website. Well build internal linking helps search engine spiders to crawl and index all the pages of our site by following the links from the first page to the second and so on.

These are the most common terms a SEO newbies would read on SEO chat forums, seo books or any other resource where you would be looking for tutorials on SEO Optimization. I will update this list regularly, so if you know a abbreviation or term you would like to share with others, let us know on the comments and we will add it to the list.

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3 Responses to “Terms that are used in SEO and the abbreviations”
  1. […] Keywords are so weird some times that they don’t even make sense, lets take for example the abbreviation term of search engine marketing – SEM. Now if we wanted to target the keyphrase search engine marketing […]

  2. […] linking, what a weird word, no? In the terms and abbreviations I said that Internal linking is the process that is taken to link one page with another within the […]

  3. […] you make in your website title, content position, outbound links and even inbound links (read on seo terms and abbreviations for unknown terminology that is […]